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Guangdong niche tea becomes popular

2023-03-27 17:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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The province stimulates the tea industry by grading up varieties, using cultural branding to enhance recognition, and leveraging e-commerce platforms.

Thanks to the unique natural resources and ecological advantages, as well as supportive policies such as "a variety of a village, an industry of a town", tea producers in southern Guangdong have created distinctive tea products which are popular with consumers.

In 2022, as tea industry parks were further refined, the production scale increased. By the end of the year, the tea-growing areas reached 1.47 million mu, a year-on-year increase of 10%.

In recent years, a number of tea-growing towns have been established in Guangdong. These towns improved tea quality by introducing and promoting new varieties, grading up varieties, and encouraging tea enterprises to increase investment. They also promoted standardized tea-growing ways and established a quality traceability system to ensure food safety. Supported by enterprise project demonstration bases, a number of tea growers adopted new technologies, and made tea growing in the province more standardized and professional and used more facilities in the process. The industrialization of the niche tea industry continues to gather momentum, with the industrial chain of tea growing, processing, circulation, and consumption gradually extended.

In addition, many places in Guangdong have accelerated the development of the tea industry, marketing special "tea products" of the province.

The construction of a tea industry park that integrates primary, secondary, and tertiary industries has begun in Baitang Town, Huizhou, intensifying the advantage of the mountain tea industry.

As the "hometown of Chinese cicada tea", Zijin, Heyuan strives to become an excellent tea producer in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area by expanding the production scale, improving product quality, branding, and increasing production efficiency".

The total output value of the tea industry chain in Dasha Town, Kaiping City, Jiangmen exceeds 100 million yuan, and attracts tourists from the Greater Bay Area with entertaining agriculture projects such as "Huanchagu" (Happy Tea Valley).

Meanwhile, cities in Guangdong strengthen the market-oriented operation, operate e-commerce stores, participate in various product promotion activities, and bring tea from remote mountains to the public. According to the data released by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guangdong Province, in 2022, the e-commerce sales channels of large-scale tea plantations increased, and the sales volume increased by 7% year-on-year.

In today's tourism market, the deep integration of the tea industry and the tourism industry through "tea culture + tourism" has become a new form of tourism. There are abundant projects such as rural tours, farmhouse inns, and creative parks with tea as the theme, which have made tea hills become popular tourist destinations. In 2022, a total of 5 routes in Guangdong were selected as high-quality tea tourism routes for "Spring Outing to Tea Gardens" and "Summer Vacation in Tea Countries", covering Yingde in Qingyuan, Zijin in Heyuan, Shuanghe Town in Heshan City, and Meijiang District in Meizhou City.












文|羊城晚报全媒体记者 朱嘉乐

责编 | 王瑜瑛 戚美青

翻译 | 刘佳慧

校对 | 朱晓明

来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派


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